
Finally Give Dark Souls Remastered Its Fair Shot Now That You Mastered Elden Ring—Only $15

Dark Souls Remastered (PS4) | $15 | Amazon

Dark Souls Remastered (PS4) | $15 | Amazon

I never got far in Dark Souls. I got to the Bell Gargoyles which is pretty early-game, got frustrated, and moved onto something else at the time. I’ve always admired the FromSoftware games at a distance, never really able to crack it myself. That is until Elden Ring. Boy howdy, I’ve got nearly 100 hours and still have barely scratched the surface. But it did finally push me through the obtuse learning that’s necessary with all of the Souls games. Genuinely, it has me pretty excited to go back once I’m done to give Dark Souls its fair shot. If you’re in a similar boat, the good news is Dark Souls Remastered is just $15 on PS4. Go ahead and finally “git gud.”

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