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CW’s The Flash Actors Departing: Tom Cavanagh, Carlos Valdes

Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon/Mecha-Vibe and Grant Gustin as the Flash in season seven episode “Fear Me.”

Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon/Mecha-Vibe and Grant Gustin as the Flash in season seven episode “Fear Me.”
Image: Katie Yu/The CW

Currently in its seventh season—with an eighth on the way—the CW’s The Flash shows no signs of, uh, slowing down. But the Arrowverse series will soon have to contend with the departure of two actors who’ve been a part of the show since its 2014 debut: Carlos Valdes and Tom Cavanagh.

Both have played different characters (or different variations on the same character, because comic books) since The Flash began, but Valdes has primarily played Cisco Ramon while Cavanagh has been mostly, but not always, Harrison Wells. According to Deadline, Valdes’ last appearance as a series regular will be the season seven finale, while Cavanagh—who was originally slated to depart the series after season six before covid-19 disrupted production schedules across the industry—has been both a series regular and guest star this season, and “his final appearance this season is being kept a surprise,” according to Deadline.

Tom Cavanagh as Nash Wells in the season seven premiere.

Tom Cavanagh as Nash Wells in the season seven premiere.
Image: Katie Yu/The CW

In a statement to Deadline, The Flash executive producer and showrunner Eric Wallace showered praise on the actors, while hinting it might not be the last fans see of them, despite today’s announcement: “Both are incredible talents who created beloved characters that fans and audiences around the world have come to love. Which is why we are happily keeping the door open for return appearances.”

A new episode of The Flash airs tonight on the CW.

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