Admit That You Kind of Want the Mario LEGO Set and Then Buy the Starter Course for $48

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Super Mario LEGO Starter Course | $48 | Amazon
Look, we can stop pretending. It’s just you and me here, and neither of us have to act cool. The Mario LEGO set? Actually kind of lit. The toys allow you to create physical Mario levels with interactive toys. I’m not too proud to admit it’s rad and if you aren’t either, know that it’s on sale for $48 today. The kit comes with 231 pieces, complete with warp pipes, an end level flag, question blocks, and more. Plus, you get a big LEGO of my boy Bowser Jr and a Mario toy that makes a gleeful noise when you stomp on his little head. Get it for your kids, get it for yourself, whatever, there’s no judgement here. Enjoy life, you do you, LEGOs are cool.
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