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Window Shop with Car and Driver

In every episode of Window Shop, the C/D crew seems to unearth some new controversy. This week, the explosive issue at hand is what exactly constitutes an automotive guilty pleasure.

Host Tony Quiroga asserts it’s a vehicle that embodies all the attributes one usually eschews in a vehicle but somehow still inspires affection—and then embarrassment. He is wrong, probably.

John Pearley Huffman, a C/D contributor and the creator of this half-baked challenge, proposes that a guilty pleasure is any car, truck, van, paraglider, or sleigh that when shown to others, inspires reactions along the lines of “What the hell are you smoking?” Think socially unacceptable machines that one loves, often just for the sheer joy of knowing no one else does. He may be on to something.

This week’s crew also includes ace contributor Jonathon Ramsey, who chooses something Italian that definitely fits Pearley’s definition of WTF-ness. He is therefore mercilessly pilloried but withstands the abuse with dignity.

Youthful but really kind of getting old, senior news editor Joey Capparella goes against his personal brand by advocating for something huge, thirsty, and American. Bless his soul, as this indicates his inevitable progression into middle age.

Deputy testing director K.C. Colwell brings his sense of law and order and justice to the question. His choice? The Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8, a rugged steed of intimidation with 420 horsepower. Of course, owning one would mean devoting his children’s college fund to satiating its thirst.

Pearley selects a fine piece of German engineering cruelly overlooked and scorned by the public. It’s a perfect choice, and every viewer will dive into its deep pool of awesomeness.

Quiroga adds something, too. We talk through our picks. Someone wins—or “wins.” Whatever.

So, tune in, subscribe, like us, and generously contribute your comments. It’s Window Shop with Car and Driver, the very heart of the soulless internet.

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