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What Is Vocl, MyPillow CEO MIke Lindell’s New Social Platofrom?

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Photo: Drew Angerer (Getty Images)

What is a cross between Twitter and YouTube and is also a newspaper and TV show and radio broadcast?

Space? Time? The concept of time? An alchemical process by which vibrating particles moved by a passing sound wave are transmuted into sheets of paper and back into the air? A social phenomenon, like a zeitgeist or coercive persuasion? The yet-unsolved mysteries of psychokinetic abilities?

Before I tell you the answer, think hard, scroll down, and add your comment.

A: It is a place to be vocal called Vocl.

Business Insider presented the puzzle, courtesy of MyPillow guy Mike Lindell, who’s currently facing a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit and also embarking on a new social media platform. Insider writes:

In an interview with Insider, [Mike] Lindell said he plans to call the site “Vocl” and he described it as a cross between Twitter and YouTube.

“It’s not like anything you’ve ever seen,” he said to Insider in a Wednesday interview. “It’s all about being able to be vocal again and not to be walking on egg shells.”

Vocl, he said, isn’t like Gab or Parler, two far-right social-media sites. It’s a cross between Twitter and YouTube meant “for print, radio, and TV,” he said.

Nods knowingly with dead eyes staring into the everlasting nothingness.

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