The Iconic Assault Rifle From Halo As a Nerf Blaster Is Back in Stock and a Few Bucks Off

Nerf Halo MA40 Motorized Dart Blaster | $50 | Amazon
I’m realizing now why 343 gave all the Halo Infinite weapons new additional sets of gibberish letters and numbers before the iconic names they’ve had throughout the series. Likely, it’s for cases exactly like this. This is a toy after all. That ain’t a Nerf gun based on the Assault Rifle! No way! It’s the Nerf Halo MA40 Motorized Dart Blaster. There’s nothing gunlike about it! Anyway, this toy gun comes with a digital code that will unlock the same color pattern skin for your AR in the game as well as a fun little Nerf dart ornament that hangs from the side of it. It’s $3 off right now which isn’t a lot, but the real story is that it’s back in stock.
This story was originally published by Joe Tilleli on 03/04/2022 and updated by Keith Stawarz with new information on 04/02/2022.
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