
The Best Things To Buy in February 2022

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Writing for The Inventory is a real treat. Not only do I get to share products and companies I love with the masses, but I also get to discover and connect with new ones. The blessing and curse of it all is that I sometimes get sent a fantastic item that doesn’t fit in anywhere for anything I’m currently covering. Rather than wait for the perfect review opportunity or roundup, each week I’ll bring you five things I was impressed with and want to share.

Friends x DIFF – Monica Sunglasses

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Image: Diff

Diff has had plenty of awesome pop culture collabs, and back in December, it released its Friends line. I was gifted this beautiful pair of sunglasses inspired by the neurotic perfectionist Monica. These quickly became my go-to shades and served me well while on a snowy sunny mountain at Christmas time. These are incredibly sturdy and have a clean-cut square design that gives vintage vibes. Each pair comes with a matching box to store them in and an adorable cleaning cloth. All the friends are covered, and any pairs would make an excellent gift for a super Central Perk fan.

Moon Bath Book

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Image: Amazon

Happy New Moon and Lunar New Year. If in 2022 you’ve committed to being more mindful and taking time out for yourself, I’d love to introduce you to the Moon Bath book. I’ve been using this book since it was gifted to me to reconnect with my mind and soul each new and full moon. Each month the book walks you through what to focus on for that cycle and provides instructions on making the perfect bath for ultimate meditation and reflection. With how chaotic the last 2 years have been, I’ve noticed that resetting my intentions of what I want each month has been a boon to my mental health. No matter what you believe, balancing our bodies and minds can change our energy and outlook. No tub? No problem. Each of these “recipes” easily translates to a lovely soak for your hands or feet.

Doughp Drops

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Image: doughp

I’m a huge fan of Doughp, and I was lucky enough to get its first batch of the new Dough Drops. We’ve all had the urge to eat cookie dough straight from the source; Doughp knows this and made a product to keep us all safe in doing so by developing a cookie dough that you can eat raw or bake. While it offers tubs of several delicious flavors, you can now get the best sellers in conveniently sized balls. You’ll get two 10-ounce pouches of snackable and bakeable bites. These are an excellent treat for the whole family, and you can grab them in the classic Fairy Dust or Cookie Monster flavors. I highly recommend the mixed bag with both for a bit of variety.

SKIN1004 Zombie Pack

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Image: Amazon

I’m now more conscious than ever about my skincare. In tying into taking care of myself, this year I wanted to try the Zombie Pack from Skin10004 (You know I love Korean skincare.), and the company was kind enough to send me a bundle to test. I’ve now done this treatment three times, and boy is it a journey. While I don’t know if I look substantially younger as it boasts, I do know my skin feels softer and cleaner. This treatment takes 15 minutes and is a fun process of mixing the powder and the activator, then brushing it all over your face. It starts to set immediately too. The main ingredient is albumin, a natural extract from egg whites proven for tightening and brightening. My face felt a little tighter and more hydrated for a few days after. This is an excellent at-home spa treatment for a new year’s glow.

BioLite Charge Series PD (Charge 40 PD)

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Graphic: Sheilah Villari

I’m currently in love with this BioLite charger. I always try to carry one around because I know someone in my circle will have a dying phone and need to get a car home. While it is a little heavy, it’s incredibly sleek and can fit right into even my smaller purses. These are perfect for travel and are FAA carry-on compliant, which I’m always paranoid about when flying. You can refuel two devices at once as well. I used this at the gym to power up my headphones because we can’t have a musicless run. You’ll get about three full charges for any device off of one charge. This size is the medium option, but I stand by the brand no matter which one you pick.

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