Sileo Package Manager Now Officially Available for unc0ver Jailbreak

The Sileo package manager for jailbroken devices is now officially available for the unc0ver jailbreak.
The update was announced by developer aarnav tale on reddit…
Sileo is now available for devices using Bingner/Elucubratus! Big thanks to everyone on the Sileo team for helping make this possible. It’s as simple as adding and installing Sileo! Go enjoy it on your favorite jailbreaks!
The package manager will work alongside other popular solutions including Cydia and Zebra.
Here are some important notes about the release…
Important Notes:
● If you currently have the Bingner Testing Repo, please switch back to stable before using this.
● If you are using a jailbreak with the Procursus repository, then you don’t need this. Sileo is already available for you and that’s the version that’s recommended for you.
● If you experience any issues, please direct your support towards my support email ( or my Twitter (@aarnavtale). DO NOT bother Coolstar or Diatrus about any issues you encounter when using my version of Sileo, please reach out to me instead 🙂
● If you want to see the source code, check out
Note that Sileo should also work for those using checkra1n. Please download the iClarified app or follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and RSS for updates.