Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Pre-Order Guide

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (PS4) | $60 | Amazon, Best Buy
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (Xbox) | $60 | Amazon, Best Buy
Mass Effect Legendary Cache | $150 | Best Buy
Let me take you back to the 2000s real quick. Let all the embarrassing fashion and emo music flood back to you. You’re back in high school and video games are very cool right now. Your Xbox 360 is the peak of video games and you can’t see how things could get better. It’s 2007 and Mass Effect is your favorite game. Now it’s 2010. You are slightly older and less dumb. Mass Effect 2 is now your favorite game and you can’t even imagine how you thought no one could top Mass Effect. Now it’s 2021 and you are complaining about Mass Effect 3 online, despite the fact that it was a very fun game that you enjoyed. This is the circle of time.
If you want to relive all of those moments in a freeform Tree of Life-like flashback, I have great news. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is coming on May 14. It features remastered versions of the entire trilogy, plus over 40 pieces of DLC. It’ll all run in beautiful 4K HDR as well, so you can really soak in your glory days. EA even included some slight tweaks to things like aiming and Mako driving to spare your precious memories from finding out that a 10-year-old trilogy might not play as well as you remember these days.
If you want to pre-order the game and get prepared for a trip down memory lane, you have two options. There’s the regular route and the super fan path. There’s no in-between, so you must choose the kind of Mass Effect fan you wish to be. Here’s what you’ll need to know about both options.
How To Pre-Order Mass Effect: Legendary Edition
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Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will launch on PC via Steam and Origin, as well as on PS4 and Xbox One. It’s important to note that there will be no next-gen version of the game available. Players will need to pick up a past-gen version and play it on new consoles through backward compatibility. That means there’s no upgrade path to make these games look even better. Considering that these are already remakes, that seems fairly reasonable. I mean, what, you want EA to remake their remake? In any case, the standard edition will cost you $60.
How To Pre-Order the Mass Effect Legendary Cache Bundle
Okay, now that we’ve gotten the actual game out of the way, let’s get into the real meat of this. If you’ve got $150 to spend, you can get a “legendary cache” from Best Buy, which is extremely wild. Weirdly, it does NOT include the actual game, so keep that in mind upfront. The big-ticket item? It contains a whole replica space helmet that you can wear on your head. I mean, who doesn’t want that? The package also comes with some paragon/renegade pins, a canvas art print, a SteelBook case, and an N7 acceptance letter. Note that BioWare is selling the same bundle on its website with a different art print, so make sure to check that one out too and pick which you like best.
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