Load Up On Space Merch in Amazon’s Giant Star Wars Day Sale

Star Wars Sale | Amazon
Ah, it’s finally Star Wars Day! The one day a year where everyone talks about Star Wars. Just think, we go 364 days a year without celebrating this gargantuan franchise and finally get to discuss it on this blessed May 4. Alright, so maybe every day is Star Wars Day for many, but hey, you can still party. Amazon is running a big sale on Star Wars merch today, including toys, apparel, and more. There’s a lot to peruse, but here are some quick highlights. Ther core set for miniature tabletop game Star Wars Armada is down to $56. For the big spenders, you can grab a Citizen R2-D2 watch for $140. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you can grab a NERF wrist launcher based on The Mandalorian for $14. That’s quite a spread, so take a look through the deals and celebrate how you see fit.
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