
LEGO Millennium Falcon Microfighter is a notable value

We’ve reviewed all but one of the new LEGO Star Wars 2021 sets so far, with only the most affordable remaining. Now for today, we’re taking a look at the latest addition to LEGO’s collection of Microfighters, with a refreshed version of the Millennium Falcon. As the latest version of the fastest ship in the Star Wars universe, how does this compact model stack up? Head below for all of the details on the LEGO Millennium Falcon Microfighter.

Hands-on with the LEGO Millennium Falcon Microfighter

Alongside battle packs, Microfighters have long been one of the more affordable ways for Star Wars fans to get in on the LEGO action, and the latest continues that trend with arguably the most iconic ship out of the Original Trilogy. We’ve seen the Millennium Falcon appear in pretty much every form to date from LEGO, ranging from miniature models in Advent Calendars to the definitive UCS version.

The latest re-creation of the fastest ship in the Star Wars universe enters closer to the lower side of the two ends of the spectrum, clocking in with 101 pieces. The overall build here reimagines the ship into a palm-sized build that can only fit a single pilot, the included Han Solo minifigure. Instead of trying to capture all of the intricate details on the ship, or even nail the proportions, LEGO has assembled a more compact rendition that includes all the signature aspects of the Millennium Falcon.

As per usual with the LEGO Microfighter lineup, the Millennium Falcon here has a seat for Han Solo to sit in right where the ship’s cockpit usually is. There’s also a pair of stud shooters on the top of the ship where the quad laser cannon would normally be. And because this version is modeled after the ship’s Original Trilogy appearance, there’s also a circular radar dish up top, too.

Despite being one of the smallest versions of the ship in the catalog, LEGO has still managed to accommodate for plenty of other details. The techniques used to pull off the hyperdrive ring around back are pretty unique and manage to deliver its signature look. There’s also the engine vents on the back, as well as some other little greebles scattered throughout that add a sensor scale.

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