Get Star Wars Blu-Rays for $17

Star Wars 4K Blu-Ray Sale | $17 | Best Buy
I hope you like Star Wars, because you’re getting a lot of Star Wars deals today. Look, it’s May 4th and Disney is just going all out. Everything you can possibly imagine is on sale today, so we have no choice but to bring you all of it. Case in point, Best Buy is running a sale on 4K Star Wars Blu-Rays. Every single movie is discounted down to $17 each, so you can grab your favorite from either of the trilogies or the spin-offs. Love The Last Jedi? Get it for $17. Hate The Last Jedi? Stick to the classics and grab A New Hope. Personally, I’d advocate for Rogue One, which is my favorite Star Wars movie. A heathen’s opinion? Yes, but we love a good third act, folks.
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