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If you’re looking for car insurance Orlando, Florida, it can be helpful to shop around. Request price quotes from multiple insurance providers and choose one that meets your coverage and budget needs.

Florida Insurance Requirements

Before buying car insurance in Orlando, Florida, it is important to know the legal requirements. All drivers in Florida must have auto insurance and it must include at least the following:

  • $10000 no-fault or personal injury protection
  • $10000 property damage liability

    Bodily injury covers any injuries or damages that you cause to other drivers. If you want your injuries or damages to be covered following an accident in which you are at fault, you will need to add comprehensive or collision insurance to your policy. This is also often referred to as a full coverage policy and will cover your vehicle’s damages, even if you are at fault. It will also cover your vehicle from damages not related to an accident, or theft.

    How Much is Car Insurance in Orlando, Florida?

    According to The Zebra, the average cost of car insurance in Orlando, Florida, is $2302 per year. That is slightly less than the state’s average of $2309 per year and more expensive than the nation’s average of $1548. It can be helpful to look at what factors insurance companies in Florida look at when calculating rates. Insurance companies may consider the following:

    • Age
    • Vehicle make and model
    • Zip code
    • Driving history
    • Gender
    • Marital status
    • Credit score

      Each insurance provider calculates these factors differently. This means that you may receive significantly different rates from numerous insurance providers.

      How Age Affects Your Orlando, Florida Car Insurance Rates

      Drivers in their 50s usually receive the best rates in Orlando, Florida, according to Insurify. Younger drivers pay more because they have less driving experience. Teen drivers will usually notice a significant decrease in insurance rates once they are in their 20s.

      Drivers in their 20s pay, on average, $3684 less than teen drivers. Even parents who add their teen driver to their policy will notice a significant increase in rates. The specific amount will vary, depending on the driving record and gender. Adding a 16-year old female to your policy could increase rates by as much as 89 percent versus a 16-year old male with an increase of 123 percent.

      How Gender and Marital Status Affects Insurance Rates

      Marital status and gender also affect your rates. Some insurance companies consider married drivers to be less risky and provide them with discounts of up to $90 less per year than single drivers. In Orlando, Florida, females pay slightly more for insurance, usually around $60 more per year.

      How Traffic Violations Affect Insurance Rates

      Traffic violations have a big impact on your insurance rates in the Orlando, Florida, area. Whether you have a DUI or a speeding ticket on your record, you can expect an increase in rates. The two most expensive types of traffic violations include a DUI and reckless driving. A DUI can increase your rates by as much as $1093 per year and a reckless driving charge can increase your rates by as much as $1210 per year. Even speeding tickets can lead to higher rates, with an average of $739 per year.

      How Credit Score Affects Your Insurance Rates

      Many insurance companies use credit scores to determine the risk of their policyholders. Drivers with less-than-perfect or no credit can expect higher insurance rates than drivers with good or excellent credit. This means that paying off debt and increasing your credit score by even a few points can lead to more affordable rates. In fact, increasing your credit rating from a Very Poor tier to an Exceptional tier can save you as much as 60 percent each year.

      How Location Affects Your Insurance Rates

      Even different areas within Orlando, Florida, can have different rates. This is because some zip codes have higher populations or more traffic. Policyholders in these areas are more likely to file a claim due to an accident or theft. These are a few expensive zip codes in Orlando, Florida:

      • 32809
      • 32839
      • 32811
      • 32805
      • 32808

        Some areas in Orlando are also less populated and have cheaper rates. These are a few of the least expensive areas in Orlando, Florida:

        • 32792
        • 32836
        • 32789
        • 32801
        • 32826

          Insurance companies may not only consider where you live in Orlando but also where you commute to each day. A longer commute daily can lead to higher rates since you spend more time on the road.

          How to Get the Best Insurance Rates in Orlando, Florida

          Even though Orlando, Florida, may be more expensive than the national average, there are a few ways that you can save, including:

          • Frequently shop around: In addition to shopping around when first buying auto insurance, you should continue to do so when your rates increase.
          • Shop around when factors change: If certain factors, like your marital status or credit score change, you may qualify for better rates by changing providers.
          • Maintain a good driving record: Numerous traffic violations can increase your rates. Avoiding things like speeding tickets and DUIs can help you maintain affordable insurance.
          • Adjust your coverage level: As long as you have the minimum insurance required by the state, you can adjust your coverage.

            Insurance companies frequently change their rates. If your insurance company increases your rates, it may be time to shop around.

            Best Insurance Providers in Orlando, Florida

            With so many insurance providers available in Orlando, Florida, it can be difficult to choose one. While there isn’t one right provider for every policyholder, it can be helpful to request quotes from a few of the top. Here are a few Orlando, Florida, insurance providers to consider:

            • 21st Century
            • Esurance
            • GEICO
            • Hanover
            • MetLife
            • National General
            • Nationwide
            • Safeco
            • State Farm
            • The General

              When evaluating quotes, consider not only the prices of each policy but also what coverage is included.

              It is possible to find car insurance in Orlando, Florida, for an affordable rate. Know what factors go into insurance rates and frequently shop around.

              Check this out if you need additional information, resources, or guidance on car insurance.


              Orlando, FL, Car Insurance I

              Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes in Orlando, FL (2021) I

              Price Matching Car Insurance: Everything You Need to Know I

              Insurance Price for Cars: Everything You Need to Know I

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