Conquer Night City With Cyberpunk 2077’s Official Guide for $21

Cyberpunk 2077 Official Guide (Collector’s Edition) | $21 | Amazon
Cyberpunk 2077 Official Guide (Paperback) | $11 | Amazon
The last time I wrote about Cyberpunk 2077’s official guide, we were pre-launch. December 10 still seemed like a dream that could disappear at any moment. In retrospect, perhaps it should have. But questions about whether or not CD Projekt Red should have taken more time on the game aside, Cyberpunk 2077 is actually out after eight years of waiting and it’s as huge as promised. If you’re like me and are finding yourself getting lost in the experience, the official Cyberpunk 2077 guide is currently on sale. You can order the collector’s edition for $21 or a paperback copy for $11. This 496 page guide will help guide you through Night City, making it a solid companion for the game. If guides aren’t your thing, it still seems like a neat collector’s item for anyone looking to go all-in on the open world game.
This post was originally published by Giovanni Colantonio on 11/30/2020 and updated with new information on 04/28/2021.
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