
Sleep Like a Little Spoon With 25% off Sunday Scaries’ Big Spoon Sleep Oil

Graphic: Austin Williams

Big Spoon Sleep Oil | $47 | Sunday Scaries | 25% off your first order with the promo code [KINJA25]

You know what we don’t talk about enough? How much the summer can screw up your sleep schedule. Getting good rest on a hot and sweaty night can be tough when all you’ve got willing you to sleep is a cheap fan and the existential dread of a seemingly never-ending workweek. (Too dark?) If I just described your sleep situation each summer, look no further than Sunday Scaries’ Big Spoon Sleep Oil. Take one drop of this stuff 30 minutes before bed and you’ll sleep like a little spoon even if you’re sad and lonely and don’t actually have a big spoon to cuddle with. (Too dark again?) In all seriousness, if you want to sleep longer and deeper through the night and wake up recharged with a clear mind – no matter what time of year it is or who you are or aren’t sleeping with – this product is worth your time and money. It’s melatonin-free and it also steers clear of acetaminophen, meaning you won’t experience any post-cough-medicine hangover symptoms. Instead, its organic formula includes two hemp extracts, three amino acids, and three natural herbs. So whether you’re a parent with an early morning, a business owner coming off a late night, an athlete recovering from intense training, or a sweaty person struggling to doze off all alone in the sweltering summer heat (sorry, can’t stop going there) Big Spoon Sleep Oil needs to be in your cart. Plus, if it’s your first Sunday Scaries order, you’ll get 25% off your purchase with the promo code KINJA25!

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