HP’s Top Deals This Week Include up to 64% off Select Tech

Up to 64% off top deals | HP.com
Remember back in grade school when summer meant three straight months of zero responsibilities? Well, those days are long gone. Summer’s here and adulthood says you still have work to do, calls to take, and things to print. Luckily, HP.com has all the above covered (and more!) with deals this week that’ll save you up to 64% on select tech. If you’re looking to upgrade your workstation, there’s this QHD USB-C monitor for 64% off that’s perfect for double-screening. While you’re at it, you might as well pair that new monitor with this 63%-off Slim Silver Bluetooth mouse, which could provide a way smoother scrolling experience than the fussy laptop mousepad you’re using now. Other sweet deals for those of us who spend our summer days slaving away in front of screens include 20% off a 12-month subscription to Microsoft 365, 29% off a Microsoft Teams Certified Bluetooth speakerphone, and 31% off an all-in-1 OfficeJet printer. And for professionals lucky enough to still have time for hobbies like streaming and gaming, my envy hasn’t caused me to forget about you. This 23%-off Xbox Series X|S controller and headset bundle is calling your name (while I’m angrily calling you other things).
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