Get Outdoors This Spring for Adventure With Radius Outfitters

The weather is nice and you just want to get out with the gang for some adventure in the van. Well, the guys at Radius Outfitters have been engineering thoughtful camping and van gear since 2021. Cody and Asa know what its like to be off-road without resupply for days, so they took matters into their own hands with Radius. The team has since built out a whole solution for Sprinter vans and more overland vehicles for endless adventures this Spring. And now you can save up to 10% on your first order and knock a little off some superior-quality gear for the road.
Camping & Outdoor Gear | Save 10% on First Order | Radius Outfitters
Camping accessories for a nice weekend out.
As someone who spent half their life camping it’s super important to have sturdy gear that you don’t have to worry about breaking on a weekend out. Radius Outfitters gear holds up to weather and all kinds of beatings. You’ll find everything from kitchen organizers and dish drying bags to gear boxes and the all new camp cocktail table aptly named The Kickstand, starting at $399. This table comes in 4 colors, blue, silver, red, and orange. It’s 40” tall, made with a bamboo top and 3 anodized steel legs so you won’t have to bend over sharing stories over drinks with the guys (or gals) out on the beach.
Storage and trash haul to keep it all in one place.
Whether you’re a photographer or just getting out for the weekend with friends, you’ll want to securely organize your gear for the trip. Radius Outfitters has storage and trash bag options to keep everything tidy while keeping trash off the trail. The Gear Box 3500 at $250, with it’s thick leather handles can support up to 100lbs of weight when the lid is on and keeps everything in sight. Easily pull the Gear Box out from under seats or wherever you can fit storage in the van. And when you’re ready to toss away some trash, Radius has you covered there too. These Seatback Trash Tubes come in 2 different sizes, large and small, and can be accessorized with a lid for safety inside the van. The full-length zipper makes it easy to take away trash and keeps everything all in one place.
R-Cage kits fit just for the Sprinter Van.
Some of Radius Outfitters’ most prized engineering feats are vehicle specific gear for Sprinter Vans. The R-Cage Bed Kit available for high-roof 144WB and 170WB Sprinter Vans is a patented no-drill folding bed system. It’s on sale now for both the sideways and longways sleep options. If you’re wanting to set up a bed in your Sprinter Van and also maintain its utility for hauling cargo, Radius has you covered.
The best part about these kits is you don’t have to do any drilling to get the van set up for the next beautiful Spring trip out to the lake.
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