Things 3 Gets Updated With Shortcuts Integration, Performance Improvements
The Things 3 task management app for Mac has been updated with Shortcuts integration and performance improvements following the launch of macOS Monterey.
Life-hacking corner-cutting super-nerds rejoice! Apple has brought the Shortcuts app to Mac and we’ve built integration with Things. This means you can run shortcuts seamlessly across all your devices.
What’s New In This Version:
This is our big update for macOS 12 Monterey with two headline features: integration with Apple’s new Shortcuts app for Mac and wide-reaching performance improvements in Things. We’ve also improved support for international keyboards, added time-sensitive notifications, and more.
Things for Mac now has full integration with Apple’s Shortcuts app. Use it to make templates for things you do regularly, create to-dos with pre-filled content, quickly view your lists, and more. Check out our support pages for some tips to get started:
Any shortcuts you’ve already created on iPhone or iPad will simply work on macOS 12 Monterey once you upgrade.
Over the past months we’ve put a ton of work into improving performance. This involved a massive unification of Mac & iOS code and a redefinition of how lists operate under the hood. The resulting speed boost will be most noticeable for those with very large databases and many projects, but the app will be generally snappier for everyone.
There were also a few situations where Things would behave differently on Mac & iOS. As an added benefit, our work on code unification eliminates such quirks, providing a more consistent experience across devices.
With the release of macOS 12 Monterey and iPadOS 15, keyboard shortcuts can adapt to your specific keyboard layout. Apple’s own apps have adopted this behavior on Mac and iPad, and we’ve now built it into Things.
If you have a US keyboard, your shortcuts won’t change. On non-US layouts, shortcuts involving letters will mostly stay the same. Shortcuts involving special characters will now be easier to type, and some that were previously impossible to use can now be typed for the first time!
To see the new shortcuts for your keyboard layout:
• On Mac, simply browse the app’s menu or go to Help > Keyboard Shortcuts.
• On iPad, hold down the Cmd key.
• Widget customization: You can now choose which list the “+” button saves to.
• Time-Sensitive notifications: Things’ notifications always get through, even in a Focus mode, so you never miss anything important.
• Quick Note integration: After viewing one of your lists in Things you can switch to Apple Notes and click the “Add Link” button there.
• Import from Reminders: The new Tags are now imported (if a tag doesn’t exist in Things, it will be created).
• System Services: To-dos and list contents are now passed to the Services menu as text.
• Improved the ordering of logged to-dos in projects.
• Fixed a bug where to-dos duplicated in Today could appear in an unexpected order.
• Fixed a bug that prevented moving a scheduled to-do to a different heading via keyboard.
• Fixed a bug where some lists might not immediately reflect changes after trashing a project.
• Fixed a bug where, if Today was in grouped mode, moving a to-do up out of This Evening could remove its relation to its parent list.
• Fixed a bug where an incorrect warning could be shown when setting a date + reminder.
• Fixed a bug where a to-do could incorrectly remain highlighted after hitting Escape in the When popover.
• Fixed a bug which prevented removing reminders when multiple to-dos were selected.
• Fixed a bug where to-dos’ dates could change when dropping to-dos under a heading that had other dated to-dos.
• Fixed a bug where to-dos below a heading would continue to appear independently in the Logook even after their parent project had been logged.
• Fixed a bug where the order of sections in Today (when Today is grouped) would not change after reordering lists in the sidebar.
• Fixed a bug where incorrect section headers could appear in the Logbook.
• Fixed a bug where marking a project incomplete wouldn’t restore completed to-dos from the Logbook.
• Fixed a bug where pasting would fail for items copied from the Logbook.
• Fixed six bugs related to tags and filtering.
• Fixed numerous crashes.
You can purchase Things 3 from the App Store for $49.99.
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