In this show i’ll be talking about how easy it is to start an online radio station with minimal upfront cost. I’m hoping to upload other videos in more detail how the service works. Here is a “quick” presentation. Let me know what you guys think…
I’m excited to announce that I have partner with The Heights Hosting Company to bring this service to a larger audience.
Start an online Radio Station: https://daheights.com
$40 off Coupon code for the Pro+ ($45 monthly) LOSGRANOS40
$50 off Coupon code for the Pro2+ ($50 monthly) LOSGRANOS50
Software needed to broadcast:
Nicecast (mac): http://bit.ly/2odock4
WinAmp (pc): http://bit.ly/2nQw35s
About The Heights Hosting Company:
The Heights Hosting Co. isn’t just about SHOUTcast hosting. We’re a team that thrives to help broadcasting hobbyists and professionals learn and grow to their maximum potential. With internet radio growing at a rapid rate each year, an ever growing client base and possibly the best team behind us we’re loving what we do and would love to have you come along for the ride.
THHC is a New York City based company. Our team is a combination of hard working, focused, bright individuals who enjoy developing, designing, and bringing the best customer experience. THHC was founded in 2016 with the passion to bring individuals a low cost method of broadcasting audio across the internet to music lovers, schools, and worship groups.
Our mission is to provide SHOUTcast and radio clients the relevant tools and information to grow to their maximum potential. We want our clients and radio stations to focus on whats important to them to produce great content for their stations, and we are here to help!
Blog – http://www.losgranos.net
Twitter – http://twitter.com/losgranos
Facebook – http://facebook.com/losgranos
Instagram – http://instagram.com/losgranos
iPhone 6s: http://www.apple.com
GoPro on the Go: http://amzn.to/2gLc9Z8
Small camera: http://amzn.to/2gLbFlK
Big camera : http://amzn.to/2hwCitv
Favorite tripod: http://amzn.to/2hFbslP
Wide Lens;http://amzn.to/2gL5EFZ
Telephoto lens: http://go.magik.ly/ml/17ei
Lav Mic: http://amzn.to/2hNB8sz
DRONE: http://amzn.to/2gLgn2Z