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Edit g11 Porsche 911 Coupe

The supply of classic 911s is finite. As the stocks of those cars dwindle, more modern examples are being plucked up for restoration — and that’s not a bad thing. Based in the Czech Republic, EDIT Automotive’s g11 series is based on a 997 911 donor car, rebuilt as anything from a track monster to a 911 safari. The g11G turns the 997 into a safari-style off-roader, with an 8cm taller ride height and 340 to 424 horsepower mated to either a manual or PDK transmission. The g11 features a host of performance modifications, with the same drivetrain options as the g11G , focused on pure analog driving pleasure. The g11T tops the range, with up to 670 horsepower. All EDIT models feature carbon fiber bodywork and interiors remodeled to customer specifications.

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